Sunday, March 11, 2012

Wapping a Baby - Controversial?

Why isn't it OK to wap a baby? I have spent an entire flight listening to a baby shriek with pique or glee. And it's about ten rows back. The parent choruses 'Ssshhhhhhhh' after every shriek until it's almost a reinforcement. The kid's thinking, 'When I shriek, Mom goes shhhhhhhh. Fun.'

Why isn't ok to wap the kid? Its amazingly effective. Quick. You only have to do it once. Just a quick firm tap on the mouth. Not a hit even. Just a firm tap. They get the idea. And they shut up. It works. I know it does because I wapped my kid. And he is an excellent man now. What are parents afraid of that they abstain from a good effective wap?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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