Monday, March 26, 2012

Benji Pouting

He turned his back on me and put his head on the pavers.

He got in trouble for chasing dogs as they passed our table at dinner this evening on Sunset. First it was a man with a doberman and a rottweiler. Luckily *they* were well behaved. Next it was a chihuahua that he went after so hard and fast that he pulled the table which I unfortunately had attached him to and knocked my water glass over. Then he got a swat (more show than swat of course) and a talking to. He is now morose and did not chase the pit bull that came by, thank goodness.

We are doing well. I had a great weekend with an actual social life here in LA. Saturday I went to
Huntington Gardens and library/museum with Ellen. Wonderful. Lots of pics to share later. Sunday to LA County Museum of Art with Arlene, Little Ginger the Yorkie's Mom. She is a docent there and there's a really great special exhibit of women surrealist artists there now. More later, and pics.

Best of all, my legs did very well, even though it rained heavy Sunday and got cold again. I am very glad!

No news on where I will be next.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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