Monday, February 27, 2012

A Little Ginger to Brighten My Day

The weather here has been cold, damp, gray, windy, and with that low gray cloud cover that makes me sting. Benji and I got into LA late enough that by the time we had dinner it was late, and with the pain I couldn't sleep until midnight.

I was wrong about the traffic direction in that photo last evening, BTW. It was headed away from the Oscars and toward Hollywood proper, probably to parties.

My work day was really hard. I felt disoriented coming back and focusing and it seemed that every bit of data I looked at brought more questions than answers. "Here, use these codes, they should give you more cases of gonnorhea." I got one case, only. "Here, use procedures from the order record, not the charges record, that will run faster." It did, but gave vastly different results. Why? It was one of those days.

The light in my cloud was a visit from little Ginger and her owner, a very nice woman, a former World History teacher. We have known them a bit from the dog walks, and both dogs love Jose, the night security guard with treats. We met them walking this evening and they came to visit afterwards. Benji and Ginger played very nicely together, even sharing treats, toys, and 'Moms'.

Here is Ginger, the beautiful and spunky little 13-year-old Yorkie:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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