Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sky Over Tucson: Optimistic

Here's a shot of the beautiful sky over my house today.

All optimistic here. I accepted a new job with Sagacious, an all-Epic consulting firm. That's the name of the software I use. It is full time with bench pay and benefits like my first consulting job was, only these are really awesome benefits. And I will get certified and have a great peer group to work with.

Maricopa hospital in Phoenix offered me a fulltime remote job there, but although the work is good and the people are nice, the pay was abyssmal.

My first assignment will be at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles where I worked during the time Mom was sick. I ended up liking it there and made a lot of friends I will be glad to see again. I actually brought the Cedars business to Sagacious because Cedars needs help and wanted me back. That will be for 6 months, commuting 4 days a week, then on to the next assignment.

Yippety skippety! On to my next adventure.

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