Thursday, February 7, 2013

One of the Good Ones

Yesterday my boss at Maricopa had kind words for me in our staff meeting. He wished me well in my new opportunity and said, "You're one of the good ones, so if you ever need a reference, just let us know."

"One of the good ones" means so much to me, because I've seen a range of consultants and they certainly can be terrible. Wearing the "consultant" label doesn't ensure that a person is hard-working or even pleasant. I actually was chosen for this job over another candidate who had more technical qualifications, but they "liked me better". I've seen some be rude or condescending to top executives, spend most of the day on the phone talking to India (maybe getting help because they don't have the basic competencies), or just be careless with details because they know they're moving on and no one will know the difference.

I'm not one of that sort.

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