Monday, October 8, 2012

The Space Shuttle Went Right Over My House

I saw the space shuttle about a week ago when it was in town on the way to LA where it will be in a museum.  I was sitting in the back yard eating and watching Benji and this HUGE thing came over!  But lots of interesting things come over sometimes because of the airforce base here. 

I thought, "What the heck, it almost looks like the space shuttle, but I would think that would be bigger.  I wonder what it is!"  And by the time I recovered my senses enough to snap a photo, it was nearly out of site.  I heard later that it was the space shuttle I had seen.  So I've blown this up and shown you.  That's my back yard fence and the neighbor's oleander in the foreground.  You may have to scroll right to see it well.

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