Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Not the wizard, a guy named Dave from Cleveland

So I didn't find the wizard, but a guy named Dave, from Cleveland, my boss. He relocated to Phoenix with his family just 4 months ago.

The Phoenix trip was very challenging last week. Why am I in a job where I have to start a new job every six months or so? I wonder why and how I got here sometimes, like last week. I kept getting lost on the way to work. My AT&T Navigator GPS software on my iPhone is driving me crazy and I'm going to pitch it and get a Garmin. I'm having to learn all new people, new systems, new hospital campus, new hotel, new roads.

And as usual, there is much un-done at home. Plumbing needing attention; front door lock won't let you in without wresting with you first, if at all.

I was exhausted, and by about Tuesday noon I was a little crazed. Unbeknownst to either party, I do not already know the reporting tools that this hospital uses. We both made assumptions about that. Every hospital I've worked at so far uses Business Objects to deliver reports. This hospital uses Epic to deliver reports, and I'd never seen that setup in my life. They had hoped I would come on board and fix and set up several reports within a day or so.

I did it by end of week. I created a solution my boss thought the customer would be happy with, but she's not, so he is re-doing it. I fear she will think I'm a waste. If they send me packing I'll be in a heap of hurt because this job does not have bench pay. No work, no pay. I thought it was very worth it for the opportunity to learn this topic area, and I still do, if they stick with me as I plan to stick with them.

On the up side, I'm helping very successfully with some other reports. The people are all really nice. The Epic project here is called "ARK" as in big flood, everything destroyed, and the ARK is what's left. That's how big the electronic medical record is for Maricopa Hospital - revolutionary and new-world-like. I work in what is called the ARK Crow's Nest with the rest of the reporting team. The Epic Builders are in the Engine Room.

Our building houses a few hospital floors. The area we work in at present used to be Hospice. My nose prickled a bit when my boss told me that. I walk past the Morgue on the way to the cafeteria. I still don't hear those terms without emotion. Maybe one is not supposed to.

Benji did great at the hotel last week, but I found some inexpensive day care for him so he doesn't have to stagnate in the room by himself while I'm at work. He went to "Heidi's Historic Home and Pet Care" for the first time yesterday and did very well. He whined a while. Those of you who know him will not be surprised at that. He's very vocal when he is unsure of what's going on and asks a lot of questions. By end of day he was wrestling around and happy, but very tired. He will go M-W-F so will have rest days between day care days.

The heat is horrific here - much worse than Tucson, and they have had ozone warnings most days.

This week, things are looking better, and will probably keep getting better. I like traveling by car and having my own trunk to stash things that I would not normally be able to bring.

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