Thursday, July 12, 2012

Benji is Allergic

We had some recent scares regarding little Benji's health.  He has had stomach upset, vomiting, licking, smacking, trouble breathing seemingly at times due to large amounts of phlegm in his throat.

The vet did blood work which was all normal, then X-rays.  They looked pretty scary.  Comparing old to new, you could see a definite change, where there appeared to be a large area near the stomach and lots of unusual pattern in the colon, like gas, but unusual.  So he consulted with a radiologist who said it appeared to be just a large stomach full of water or gas and a lot of gas pattern in the colon indicating inflammatory bowel disease, probably.

The vet said we could do a blood test for food allergies as a possible cause, or do an endoscopy under anesthetic to do biopsies of the stomach and upper colon to confirm the inflammatory bowel disease diagnosis.  I opted for the former, especially since certain foods, like duck, always made him sick.

Well...the results came back saying he is allergic to all of the following:

  • Poultry (all kinds)
  • Duck
  • Alfalfa
  • Soybeans
  • Barley
  • Peas

Try finding dog food and treats without any of those ingredients. We are in the process of switching him to a new diet, gradually, then will go completely with the new for 30 days and reassess.  The little man seems better already and when I give him the old chicken and the new lamb food in the same bowl, usually eats only the lamb.  He is figuring this out.

I have to keep dosing him with Pepcid and Benadryl, and he has gotten pretty good at taking them.  I "hide" them in a treat, but they're not well hidden, and he still chomps them down.

He is such a loyal little man, and such a great help to me that I have to do what I can for him.  I'm buying pretty expensive food, but it's worth it to see him get better.  Luckily I recently bought health insurance for him, because I realized what could happen to my finances if he were to get really sick.

Here's the loyal little man on January 1 snuggled up to Mom's clothes as we collected them for charity. 

Does that face not say it all?

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