Thursday, July 12, 2012

New Job

Yes, I know I'm loading up all at once, catching up.

As of Monday I found out that I got a job I interviewed for last week, with Greythorn, an IT consulting firm.  My first assignment starts Monday - yes, Monday!  It's in Phoenix at Maricopa Hospital and I will be the Epic Clarity Meaningful Use Report Analyst.  So, yeah! dedicated to Meaningful Use, a hugely marketable thing right now and for about the next 10 years.  And yeah, I will probably get to take the certification tests I've been wanting, to get some of the certifications for Epic Clarity.  One has to certify in every Epic module.

I've been scrambling to be ready, of course, even after 11 weeks on the bench.  I have been that far behind.  I decided to get help, so hired a computer consultant to help me get the PCs up to snuff security wise, with backups, and bookmarks, passwords and some encrypted file storage on "the cloud" - Dropbox.  I'm still working through the long to-do list to get that all in place.

So, little Becky is off to see the Wizard, again.

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