Thursday, June 21, 2012

Status - No Real News - But REALLY Hot Out Here

Over 105 all week, several days 108.  But Benji and I get out and walk between 6 and 8 AM, when it's in the 70's, and again in the evenings after the sun goes down, so at least we can get out.  I found a pool, so am resuming my aqua aerobics with gusto.  I like that about AZ - there's always a time of day you can exercise, unlike, say, February in Ohio.  We have adapted the siesta practice, and am adjusting to having two sleep phases per day.  I just batten down the house, close all blinds up tight and use the swamp cooler, and it stays around 80 in here, mid-day.

Still waiting to hear about work, and in the meantime working on stuff for the home office like Webinars to teach clients.
See more excellent artwork from Chris Huang at

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