Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Measure of My Crazy Year

I am just today restocking condiments from last August when Rod moved out, taking half, or anything that would spoil before I returned. That's how far behind I have been and how long it has taken me to catch up on the basics.

This week I became very frustrated with myself being despondent and I have vowed to get myself caught up here at home this next week so I will be ready for the next go 'round, when I start work again. Then Benji and I may take a car trip to cooler climes, if I can find any within a reasonable drive distance.

On the up side, I have been getting a lot of exercise.

And I completed two big pillow covers for the living room. They turned out great, but a little bigger than they should have been for the pillow size, but I think they will do. I even cut bias strips and created the same-fabric piping for around the edges, encasing cotton tubing. Love the color!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:E Taos Pl,Tucson,United States

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