Friday, June 22, 2012

My Kitchen Thermometer

The thermometer guides my days now. Benji watches me in the morning as I watch my kitchen indoor outdoor thermometer until it gets to near 80 indoors, close windows, turn up the overhead fans in bedroom and office, turn column fan on in dining room, turn the swamp cooler water on, come back in five minutes and turn the cooler fan on, monitor using thermometer, turn cooler fan up when indoors gets over 80 degrees. Siesta in the afternoon. In the evening, watch for when the outdoor temperature matches the indoor temperature, about 80 again, and turn the cooler off, open windows. Later, close front windows, turn off dining and office fans, turn on security system for the night.

I think Benji would jump up to turn on the cooler switches if he were desperate and I was not around. He totally gets what it's all about, it seems. He won't set foot outside mid-day.

And to me it seems like it's storming out every day. We stay hunkered down inside all day. The 30-40 degree swing each day makes me hurt and be tired all the time.

This is what it said earlier, over 80 inside in spite of my best efforts.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:E Taos Pl,Tucson,United States

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