Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Rodney and Rebecca Reading Club

Did I tell you that Rod and I have been reading together? Well, at least as much as two people can do who live 500 miles apart.

We decided we want to read some of the same books so we can talk about them together. First he picked one of his for me to read, a favorite of his. Then we decided to alternate, so I picked one that we read together, he picks one that we read together, and so on.

This is the list so far:

Becky's Pick: Lark and Termite by Jayne Ann Phillips (Excellent, we both loved it. Different story and characters adn beautiful writing)

Rod's Pick: Crusader's Cross by James Lee Burke (Good one, great author, but Rod says this is not his best)

Becky's Pick: Life of Pi by Yann Martel (Classic - everyone should read and debate this. We spent a lot of time wondering how far the suspension of disbelief can go)

Rod's Pick: The Road by Carmack McCarthy (Excellent, thought-provoking, dark book about a post-apocalyptic world. Not as dark as one would think, though, because of the bond remaining between two human hearts)

Becky's Pick: Little Dorritt by Charles Dickens, which I'm mad about since it was on Masterpiece Theater this winter. But we found it too heavy to do long distance, so we've put it aside until we're in the same home.

Becky's Quick Pick: The Lorax by Dr. Seuss (don't laugh - it's very allegorical! And Rod reads it aloud very well - he got applause from Lucas!)

Beck's Pick: Beach Music by Pat Conroy (Currently in progress, and we're loving it. Jack McCall reminds me of Rod.)

Coming Next:

Rod's Pick: A Home at the End of the World by Michael Cunningham

Beck's Pick: Saving Fish from Drowning by Amy Tan

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