Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cute Dog! And an update on me

Dave, my best co-worker, saw a woman walking into the cafeteria today with a dog in her backpack. The noive! But maybe he's a therapy dog. She stopped so Dave could snap this photo.

The dog's name is "Wolf". Is he not the Jack Nicholson of small dogs?

I've been still feeling "bloaty", but OK otherwise. Had the Hidascan yesterday, very uneventful, although I was vibrating from radiation today, still. Waiting for 2-3 days for results.

Meanwhile, my Eastern medicine specialist, my acupuncturist/herbalist, says she'll do everything she can to save my gall bladder, if it comes to that. Eastern medicine has herbal helpers for it and they think the gall bladder is much more important than Western Medicine gives it credit for. It's good to know there may be options other than surgery - if it comes to that. She stuck me full of needles today to help with digestion and the spleen, and to heal the scarring from my cold sores. Yes, they got massive - all seven of them clustered together so proudly on my chin.

Don't know results yet, but will keep y'all posted.

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