Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Health Bulletin

A lot of you know that I was very sick when at home in Ohio a few weeks ago.

The history: I was sick within an hour of getting off the plane, but I thought it was just fibromyalgia and a reaction to the weather change. It was in the 60's and rainy, a good 30-40 degrees lower than it had been in Tucson. I got better within an hour after taking some meds. Went back to my friend Katrina's for the night.

Next morning felt rotten so stayed in bed most of that day. Got up, showered, went out with friends, back to Katrina's, yacked with her until midnight, then to bed.

Next morning could hardly walk because of the pain. Went straight to the Urgent Care near her house, found I had a 102.5 fever and a whopping urinary tract infection, both bladder and kidneys. Got a shot of antibiotics plus oral antibiotics, instructions to go to the ED if I got worse in any way - I was near needing hospitalization. Called my parents and they came in their van with a mattress in back and took me home to their place in Quaker City 2 hours east of Powell/Katrina's.

Improved enough to enjoy a family cookout Sunday, then got fever again and went downhill Sunday night. Went to the ER in Cambridge Monday morning and they ran tests, just urine and CBC and found the urine was much, much better, but I have peculiarly elevated liver enzymes - like 4-5 of the measures were 4 times the upper limit.

I talked that all over with my doctor (rheumatologist) Monday in Columbus and he says
that the UTI, none of my drugs, nothing could explain that, it must be completely unrelated, but may account for why I felt so bad. He was puzzled about how I could improve so quickly because he characterized it as an "acute situation" that I need to get checked out right away with my doctor in Tucson. He was going to write her a letter to contribute his 200 cents to the puzzle.

Back in Tucson, they've tested my urine and blood, ruled out Hepatitis A, B, C and ANA Titer (immune system test) was negative for any problems. Still white blood cells in urine. Did an abdominal ultrasound and found I have "sludge" - that's the word they used! in my gall bladder and want to run another test called a Hidascan.

I felt like poo all weekend and laid around the house. Keep getting stomach ache whenever I eat now, and bloating. And I've now had my fifth cold sore outbreak since I've been in Tucson, and previously I'd had 2 my whole life! So that may mean something to the puzzle - who knows. Will keep you posted.


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