Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The inspiration for my poem Dewakening

The inspiration for Dewakening is the sleep anomaly fibromyalgia patients usually have called Alpha EEG Anomaly.

"Alpha EEG Anomaly
An alarming percentage of fibromyalgia sufferers have a sleep disorder
called alpha EEG anomaly. This sleep disorder may actually be a cause of
fibromyalgia because so many sufferers have it. Alpha EEG anomaly affects
deep sleep, preventing sufferers from getting a good night's rest.
Alpha EEG anomaly occurs when sudden bursts of brain activity occur during a
time when the brain should be in deep sleep. These periods of intense
activity are measured as alpha waves on an EEG monitor. People with alpha
EEG anomaly do not have difficulty falling asleep, but once they reach deep
sleep, their brains begin to act like they are awake. This leaves sufferers
feeling tired and drained."

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