Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dream Maker

“…Unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways.” - Edith Wharton

Home from a life-changing adventure, I’m compelled to pick up my “pen” and write. My heart is full of awe at what I have achieved, and at the support that my loving family and friends have provided me. I have a glut of stories and thought pouring out of me, and now, at last, is the time to blog. Besides that, it will have the practical purpose of keeping those who love me close in my heart, and me in theirs. I can pretend that I am speaking to all of those loving hearts, and remember how I have been blessed, as I work to make new dreams.
You will find some short essays or stories about events and happenings that have affected me recently in ways that tweaked my thinking, helped me along in some way, and prepared me for my “new life”. Some of you liked coming in and seeing what was on my frig in the way of new thoughts and ideas that had recently struck me (including the funny stuff, like “Toxic Wenches”!) so I’ll share some of those, too.

Who could have imagined that Little Becky from County Line Road in Wadsworth, Ohio could grow to be what I am now, a woman who is overcoming large obstacles and still “becoming”.

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