Monday, November 3, 2008

My poem in American Pain Foundation video

Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 9:34 PM
Subject: RE: Pain and Creativity Exhibit

Hi Becky,

I can’t thank you enough for your work and your help. Your poem was the entry into the video we showed to over 200 people at our Celebration and Awards Fundraiser – populated mostly by corporate funders who we continually try to help understand what pain means to people. It’s going up on our website, along with a slide show from the Pain and Creativity Exhibit that we also showed to the corporate folks. This link still works tonight – so try it and see if you can see the movie. We’re limited with our technology and are trying to get the video in a version we can get to run easily on our website.

Sorry it’s taking so long. We’re so small we don’t really have an IT dept. so this kind of technology slows us down. It will be up soon I promise!

Thank you again and the very best to you!


Tamara Sloan Anderson, MSW

Director of Program Development

American Pain Foundation

Satellite Office:

P.O. Box 584 Ashfield, MA 01330

P: 413.628.4510

F: 413.628.4416


APF Headquarters:

201 N. Charles Street, Suite 710

Baltimore, MD 21201-4111

P: 410.783.7292

F: 410.385.1832

A United Voice of Hope and Power over Pain

Combined Federal Campaign Designation Code: 22290

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