Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Whew! Took a Little Break at Lunch

It has been such a grind here!  They are in go-live frenzy at Cedars and the noise and anxiety are growing by the day.

Me, I'm good.  I took my next section towards my certification today, the Clarity Data Model, and felt very good about it.  I expect to pass and am looking forward to getting the next ones out of the way: Inpatient and Ambulatory.

I was feeling so relieved I actually went out to lunch with my co-worker Ryan and a friend of his, down the street at the Rooftop on Wilshire.  Usually I run downstairs for a bite and a quick break.

This is Ryan.  Yes, he's an "Epic Kid", although he would beg to differ since he's been away from there for a few years.

The Hollywood sign is on that clump of hills in the distance.

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