Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 1 Los Angeles

The eye doctor visit today went swimmingly.  It was for the pterrigiums on my eyes.  The ophthalmalgist who I saw here in LA thought they may need removing, but this specialist says, no.  They are no worse than he would expect them to be (they are symptomatic of my fibromyalgia and other arthitises).  He gave me some different drops to help with the dryness in my eyes.

We are settled at the Hollywood Hotel tonight.  Benji was so tired from travel and playing at The Healthy Spot daycare today that he conked out right away.

Ellen took me to a great restaurant this evening, The Fig and Olive.  This is where Obama went when he was in town.  Very delicious, excellent service.

I had:

Cremini Mushrooms, Parmesan cheese, béchamel
Truffle Olive Oil aioli

Grilled Asparagus
Mixed Green Salad, Tomato, Scallion, Balsamic

and a cocktail that cost more than my appetizer - BACIO DELLA PESCA Vodka, bittersweet vermouth, muddled organic peaches,

fresh lime juice and a kiss of Italian sparkling wine


It feels good to be back, but strange.  Sort of like coming home, but not.

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