Saturday, May 5, 2012

Project Accomplished

Today, Paul The Handsome Handyman came to fix a leak in my furnace closet where the evaporative cooler water supply turns on. It started leaking when I turned it on a couple days ago, and I didn't realize it until yesterday so I had a mess to clean up and had been watching the drips accumulate in a bucket below. His work was concluded in short order, and he was nice enough to loan me a staple gun and long screw driver to do my next project. That was changing the fabric on my dining room chairs from this:

to this:

I had hunted high and low around Tucson for something sorta groovy but not too crazy, like this. Then it finally dawned on me that I was in the heart of Hollywood where they probably had everything under the sun, for making costumes and sets. So, with my friend Ellen who also loves fabric(!), I went to one of the fabric meccas, F and S Fabrics in Los Angeles. Yeah! I found just what I was looking for, and it matched the cute chairs I found at the consignment shop.

It changes the whole mood of the room. I plan to make a valance for the kitchen window with this fabric, too. It feels good to be home doing simple chores.

I should be finishing my taxes, and I will, tomorrow or Monday.

I am still feeling poorly in my belly and am on a super-restricted diet that my Asian medicine doctor is supervising. I saw her three times this week for acupuncture, too. I am doing the diet religiously, trying to stay away from the ER, where I ended up last time my belly acted this way. I am better, but not cured yet.

Today my neighbors Roxie and Paul visited a while, and ended up helping with the chair project. Paul did all of the screwing down of the cushions because I did not have the needed hand strength. Roxie and I have been trading historical fiction. This evening I am going over there to watch Dvds.

This is how the Big Sky looked tonight when Benji and I walked. The moon looked huge.

The dumpster in the foreground is where volunteers from the neighborhood cleared out old debris and bushes and worked on the yard of an elderly couple who haven't been able to keep up with it anymore. It's a new 'Beautification' initiative they're doing and I am very proud that they're doing it. Paul the handyman said he will be working to get them a badly needed new roof. I told him I'd chip in a little money since I'm not much of a roofer, myself.

All the while thoughts of home are roiling around in my mind. Great Aunt Garnet has lymphatic cancer, suddenly. Aunt Doris broke a hip and is having hip replacement surgery. I have a lot of visiting to do.

--Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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