Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Growing Out My Eyebrows

Not much going on here. I have been rather listless and lazy. At first I reasoned that it was only natural after the hubub of LA to detox and rest a while. But now I've had to face that I am rather blue.

It has been so hard to be home again, at Dad's without Mom, sleeping in her bed, going through her things, doing so many things that she would have liked to be doing like visiting her Aunt Garnet, her sister Doris, her church, her neighbor. It has just seemed all wrong, wrong, wrong.

Then, a few conversations with friends have helped a bit. I have resolved to spend a portion of each day working for my company (a series of educational webinars they want) and for myself: real estate, taxes, financial stuff.

And I am trying to adjust my attitude to think of this time as precious. All too soon there will be too-little left to remind us of Mom. Now the reminders are everywhere. She lived such a rich and abundant life and left such a big trail behind her. I am going to try to be glad I have the opportunity to know her better through this instead of being bitter and blue about it.

Just this evening my niece Rachel told me that they use their quilts and think of Grandma all the time, that Gabe needs his "digger blanket" to go to sleep. It has back-hoes on it, made custom for this little man who loves all wheeled things, like so many in our family.

Benji is well but also listless. Today I found him in my friend Katrina's closet. He loves closets for quiet time.

I seem to find new ways of being lazy, though. Like a lot of men growing out their beards while on vacation, I am growing out my eyebrows.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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