Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Emotional Wound-Licking

Well, this round of emotional wound-licking is over. Or maybe that's emotional-wound licking.

At first I was frustrated with my lack of movement on so many projects and to-do lists that I had imagined for myself at Mom and Dad's. I would have liked to be a cleaning, organizing dynamo for Dad, helping him hugely with that heap of work that is their farm. He said he really appreciates all of the work that Mom did around there now that he has to do every last job. He asked me to do three jobs for him: copy a death certificate using the printer/copier I'd bought last summer, pull weeds from around his blueberries up on the hill, and dust. "I ain't much of a good duster, myself. I can run the vacuum and scrub floors and toilets just fine though."

I weeded the blueberries first thing the next morning, no problem, no procrastination. Dusting was another matter. Dusting meant handling all of Mother's things, something I was already having trouble with as I worked in Mom's craft room with Chris.

Somewhere along the way I realized that it may not look like much, but I was doing the work that needed to be done: grieving, in a whole new way. I was despondent as I lived in Mom's house, showered in her shower, used her blow dryer, kissed her husband goodnight. It was all so wrong, and so different from when I was there last year helping to care for her, or even at Christmas. This time she was more permanently gone, and had been for longer.

The house feels like a time capsule frozen back at July 30, 2011. The newspaper clippings she had on the frig and on the front door are still there. The decor items and household tools are all in place, summery, as though the winter and Christmas never happened. Her pantry, a work of art itself, looks like she just walked out of it hours ago. It's full of her home-canned goods and groceries of types Dad never uses, (pudding mix, pickling salt, corn meal) needing to be used up. If you are down there to visit, remind Dad of that and take some home so they don't go to waste. The freezer is also stuffed with corn and berries, especially.

So, finally I dusted, and it took many hours.

Mom has slews of knick knacks and framed photos and artwork on the walls. Some of it is from school projects we kids did ages ago, some from the grandkids. Chris had suggested we remove all of the silk flowers, just to keep maintenance down and because none of that is sentimental to anyone. So with Dad's permission I did that, filling four paper grocery bags full for him to take to Goodwill. I slowed in the sewing room, throwing out lip gloss, cough drops, pens that didn't work, and emptying her pencil sharpener. It was again as though she had left only yesterday. It just seemed so wrong to be getting into her things so intimately. I even cleared her swim bag of suit, shoes, hairbrush, deodorant, shampoo and soap.

But over the course of the weeks, acceptance grew. By last night I felt I could have dug in and made more decisions about what to do with it all. We shouldn't strip Dad's house, but we could reduce by half and he would still have a pleasant home. Maybe all wall items stay. Maybe things that sit on shelves, photos of individual people, and artwork by various family members could go to that person, as momentos of things Grandma had kept and cherished. Maybe when I am there next I will try selling patterns, quilt books, and blue glass items online (which were mine on Pfeifer Drive originally - anyone want it?) and see how it sells. And next time, maybe the old LPs if none if the others want them.

Maybe I could raise some money to restore some of Dad's savings.

So the time capsule is pretty much intact. Dad lives there, but doesn't disturb much of it. His realm was always outside and Mom's inside. It will gradually deteriorate and dissolve to dust like everything else. Until then I will enjoy my visits back in time, and count my blessings that they are by far mostly good memories.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Another lovely Hollywood Ad

On Sunset Boulevard.  I never got used to it.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial to the Prizewinning Quilter


Found in Mom's sewing room -

A Moment of Science

Tucson bumper sticker:

"What Schools Need is a Moment of SCIENCE"

See, I told ya they're pretty interesting out here.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Belated Post - Guess What This Ad Was About?

 Hint: It came to my apartment in West Hollywood

Can't Guess?  Scroll Down for answer

It's for a fitness center in New York City where the prior tenant had moved.

It's not enough that folks look sexy in ads any more.  They have to be imminently doing it.

Back to Tucson Tuesday

Arrival 4:55 from Pittsburgh this time

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Reeeeaaalll Strawberries

Now this is what strawberry shortcake looks like in Ohio!

From Grandma Swain's old recipe.

Dad bought the berries from a barefoot little Amish girl.


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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Growing Out My Eyebrows

Not much going on here. I have been rather listless and lazy. At first I reasoned that it was only natural after the hubub of LA to detox and rest a while. But now I've had to face that I am rather blue.

It has been so hard to be home again, at Dad's without Mom, sleeping in her bed, going through her things, doing so many things that she would have liked to be doing like visiting her Aunt Garnet, her sister Doris, her church, her neighbor. It has just seemed all wrong, wrong, wrong.

Then, a few conversations with friends have helped a bit. I have resolved to spend a portion of each day working for my company (a series of educational webinars they want) and for myself: real estate, taxes, financial stuff.

And I am trying to adjust my attitude to think of this time as precious. All too soon there will be too-little left to remind us of Mom. Now the reminders are everywhere. She lived such a rich and abundant life and left such a big trail behind her. I am going to try to be glad I have the opportunity to know her better through this instead of being bitter and blue about it.

Just this evening my niece Rachel told me that they use their quilts and think of Grandma all the time, that Gabe needs his "digger blanket" to go to sleep. It has back-hoes on it, made custom for this little man who loves all wheeled things, like so many in our family.

Benji is well but also listless. Today I found him in my friend Katrina's closet. He loves closets for quiet time.

I seem to find new ways of being lazy, though. Like a lot of men growing out their beards while on vacation, I am growing out my eyebrows.

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Project Accomplished

Today, Paul The Handsome Handyman came to fix a leak in my furnace closet where the evaporative cooler water supply turns on. It started leaking when I turned it on a couple days ago, and I didn't realize it until yesterday so I had a mess to clean up and had been watching the drips accumulate in a bucket below. His work was concluded in short order, and he was nice enough to loan me a staple gun and long screw driver to do my next project. That was changing the fabric on my dining room chairs from this:

to this:

I had hunted high and low around Tucson for something sorta groovy but not too crazy, like this. Then it finally dawned on me that I was in the heart of Hollywood where they probably had everything under the sun, for making costumes and sets. So, with my friend Ellen who also loves fabric(!), I went to one of the fabric meccas, F and S Fabrics in Los Angeles. Yeah! I found just what I was looking for, and it matched the cute chairs I found at the consignment shop.

It changes the whole mood of the room. I plan to make a valance for the kitchen window with this fabric, too. It feels good to be home doing simple chores.

I should be finishing my taxes, and I will, tomorrow or Monday.

I am still feeling poorly in my belly and am on a super-restricted diet that my Asian medicine doctor is supervising. I saw her three times this week for acupuncture, too. I am doing the diet religiously, trying to stay away from the ER, where I ended up last time my belly acted this way. I am better, but not cured yet.

Today my neighbors Roxie and Paul visited a while, and ended up helping with the chair project. Paul did all of the screwing down of the cushions because I did not have the needed hand strength. Roxie and I have been trading historical fiction. This evening I am going over there to watch Dvds.

This is how the Big Sky looked tonight when Benji and I walked. The moon looked huge.

The dumpster in the foreground is where volunteers from the neighborhood cleared out old debris and bushes and worked on the yard of an elderly couple who haven't been able to keep up with it anymore. It's a new 'Beautification' initiative they're doing and I am very proud that they're doing it. Paul the handyman said he will be working to get them a badly needed new roof. I told him I'd chip in a little money since I'm not much of a roofer, myself.

All the while thoughts of home are roiling around in my mind. Great Aunt Garnet has lymphatic cancer, suddenly. Aunt Doris broke a hip and is having hip replacement surgery. I have a lot of visiting to do.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wouldn't it be glorious...

I read this blog, The Daily Art Muse, on occasion.  She collects amazing contemporary artwork to inspire and transform your ordinary thinking. 

Today, I saw one of her posts, and liked her comment, "Wouldn’t it be glorious if we could view our own sagging and stretching skin as part of the creative process of a life unfolding?"

 See the whole post.

Update on ny next location

My boss does not think I will be in Sacramento. They are not even getting calls back from that hiring manager. Instead they are looking at some hospitals "in the midwest or Ohio". He lives in Oregon so must not know that Ohio is in the midwest.

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No Valley Fever!

Benji does not have Valley Fever at this time. I've been watching his symptoms and he seems pretty good, better.

The biggest thing here is the heat, 95 all week, and I've not given him a summer haircut yet. People rave about him wherever we go, say he is "sooo beautiful", so I hate to even thin him. But if we are going to be in Tucson all summer, I definitely will.

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