Monday, January 9, 2012

Rheumatologist visit today

This is stressful. I had read about claudication as relates to my leg pain, both spinal and vascular, online, and I was scared about what I might hear today. I didn't want any. It turns out the news is not too bad, yet, at least.

The MRI shows a narrowing of the disk at L4-L5 and a very small tear, an injury, not a chronic arthritic problem. She recommends increasing some of the meds I had reduced when trying to get off them. That's bad news for my complaining liver Bummer. And she wants me to continue aquatics.

Knees are showing a small narrowing. Left toe which has been giving me lightening bolt pains these last weeks also has some narrowing.

Thyroid is still low. I am to follow up with my Doctor in Tucson about that.

She wants to do a vascular study on my legs to rule it out but she says it would be atypical if it exists. She is skeptical.

So we are left with, for now, "just" fibromyalgia and trying to treat it as though that's the cause.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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