Monday, January 23, 2012

Finally Made it to the Beach

Quiet weekend. Resting and walking Benji and the usual appointments. Got some sunshine and finally took Benji to the beach.

Our night watchman at the apartment is super nice and always has treats for the dogs. They love him and Benji starts reminding me about 9:00 that we can't forget to visit Jose.

Anyway, Jose told me driving straight west on Sunset Boulevard would take me to a good area to watch surfers and sea lions. So today after I slept about 4 hours following our morning walk, we went and stayed until sunset. Benji had a great time, but did not seem impressed by the ocean and the surf. His focus was all around the ground where his nose was catching new scents. And he loved chasing the seagulls away, of course.

Coincidentally, when we had come out to the car in our garage, someone had hung a wetsuit right next to us. Predictably, he went crazy barking at the strange-looking thing. He doesn't much like the Slam-man - - in Chris's garage, either.

I don't know if he put it together, but Benji has now seen people wearing those "skins". I don't know how they stand the cold. The weather report on my app today said the surf would be high - 6-8 feet - and it was. Also, "A HIGH SURF ADVISORY MEANS THAT HIGH SURF WILL AFFECT BEACHES IN THE ADVISORY AREA... PRODUCING RIP CURRENTS AND LOCALIZED BEACH EROSION. AVOID STANDING ON ROCKS OR JETTIES NEAR THE WATERS EDGE AND REMEMBER TO NEVER TURN YOUR BACK ON THE OCEAN."

It's a different world here, for sure.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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