Sunday, January 29, 2012

Freaking In My Sleep

Recently I woke suddenly thinking I heard my Mother calling, urgently, "Becky!"

The next night I woke from a dream that she had come back to life. I will spare you the ugly details but it was awful and wonderful and miraculous. She was sitting up in bed and talking away and making lists and asking for things, sort of like she did the two times at the Emergency Room in Cambridge when we thought then that we had lost her.

I have been thinking a lot about her life, how active and alive and interested and interesting she was. While at Autumn she surprised me one day by saying how much she liked Michelle Obama and what she was doing for the childhood obesity problem with her school lunch initiatives. At the James she asked me to bring her the book by Hilary Clinton called "It Takes a Village". During that time she was already having vision problems and had no attention span for listening, either. Then there was never a time I could have brought it to her that she would have been able to read or listen to it. Her mind was still sharp in other ways but not for absorbing information except in short doses.

I never told you this story but it's a good one. One evening at Autumn at bedtime I read her a short story from one of about twenty books in her room, some she had picked up from their library, some she had asked for from home, some that were new gifts. Well, the story that night, much to my dismay as I read, was about a woman whose husband had died. He appeared to her in a dream that comforted her greatly.

At the end, we sat silently for a moment, then Mom asked me, "What did Nana say to you that time when you saw her over at Pap's house?"

She was referring to a dream I had the summer after Nana (Grandma Miller) had passed. I had forgotten that I was at Pap's when I dreamed it. They lived two houses from us for a brief time before she died suddenly of leukemia. I had graduated high school and was working nights at a pancake house to save money for college. To get away from the kids' noise I had asked Pap if I could sleep in his upstairs bedroom. That's where I had the dream Mother remembered.

In the dream, Nana had walked into the pancake house one night with Pap and I exclaimed, "Nana! I thought you were dead!" She looked radiant and beautiful, and she replied, "No, I'm all better now. I'm healthy. I'm fine now!"

That was all of the dream, just that. But it comforted me because I had worried so much about her and was so appalled when we buried her, to think of her there in the ground, still.

So that night at Autumn, I replied to Mom,"She said that she was fine now, that she wasn't dead, but that she was all better now."

Mom nodded thoughtfully but didn't say anything more.

That was as close as she ever came to talking to me about her death. She constantly said, "It's in God's hands now. Only he knows what will happen."

I asked Dad once if he had ever seen her express any fears about it and he said, "No, only once at Autumn one evening she cried and it was about how much she loved me and was going to miss me." He said, "I've never seen anyone face death like she did, with absolutely no fear or questioning." Chris said once that Mother seemed to have been given a coping mechanism along with the other changes in her brain and she wished she had one, too. Sometimes it was harder for us to watch than it was for Mom to experience.

What a blessing she was! What a life and death she showed us!

I have been thinking a lot about what to do with my "second act" as some people call retirement these days. What can I do to rededicate myself to some worthy goal, to get back to the altruism and volunteerism of my youth? And should I leave Information Technology to do it? Could I be a program manager for a non-profit organization? Would that pay the mortgage on this house I am stuck in? I know Mom's vote was always that I seek something less stressful, more healthful for me.

I am thinking about changes, even as soon as when this contract with Cedars Sinai is finished in mid-April. I do very good work for them. Especially a nurse in Infection Control is thrilled to have my experience and work for her. But is this my mission? How do I be a Big Sister again on this schedule? How can I matter to kids who need good mentoring? That is probably where my best gifts lie.

Until I figure it out, I am just taking some quiet time to heal myself, my sleep, and my torn-up home.

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Location:E Taos Pl,Tucson,United States

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Scrabble, Yeah!

I just made the word AMPHORAE for 68 points using all 7 letters and since it's the Scrabble app there's no one to high five with! Some things are just so much better in person.

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Fun Times at Work

I spent a good deal of Thursday, Friday and today looking at diagnosis codes, billing codes, and test results for syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, AIDS, PID, and chancroid. While searching the internet for valid test result ranges I sometimes accidentally even got to see photos! Fun times in my career, let me tellya!

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Finally Made it to the Beach

Quiet weekend. Resting and walking Benji and the usual appointments. Got some sunshine and finally took Benji to the beach.

Our night watchman at the apartment is super nice and always has treats for the dogs. They love him and Benji starts reminding me about 9:00 that we can't forget to visit Jose.

Anyway, Jose told me driving straight west on Sunset Boulevard would take me to a good area to watch surfers and sea lions. So today after I slept about 4 hours following our morning walk, we went and stayed until sunset. Benji had a great time, but did not seem impressed by the ocean and the surf. His focus was all around the ground where his nose was catching new scents. And he loved chasing the seagulls away, of course.

Coincidentally, when we had come out to the car in our garage, someone had hung a wetsuit right next to us. Predictably, he went crazy barking at the strange-looking thing. He doesn't much like the Slam-man - - in Chris's garage, either.

I don't know if he put it together, but Benji has now seen people wearing those "skins". I don't know how they stand the cold. The weather report on my app today said the surf would be high - 6-8 feet - and it was. Also, "A HIGH SURF ADVISORY MEANS THAT HIGH SURF WILL AFFECT BEACHES IN THE ADVISORY AREA... PRODUCING RIP CURRENTS AND LOCALIZED BEACH EROSION. AVOID STANDING ON ROCKS OR JETTIES NEAR THE WATERS EDGE AND REMEMBER TO NEVER TURN YOUR BACK ON THE OCEAN."

It's a different world here, for sure.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Just Like Jesus

I just saw a man walking on the street, Sunset Boulevard, right at the foot of my hill, dressed like Jesus, with beard and long hair, white flowing robe. Wow!

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Location:N Bedford Dr,Beverly Hills,United States

Thursday, January 12, 2012

On the way home to Tucson!

This will be the first time since December 11 we will have been home. My new greatroom, dining and hall floors have been finished for weeks so I cant wait to see them! And friends!! I have friends there!! Hugs, oh boy, hugs!! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Bits and Pieces - from my friend Kay

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Song of the Day: I'll Be Seeing You

I'll be seeing you
In all the old familiar places
That this heart of mine embraces
All day through.

In that small cafe;
The park across the way;
The children's carousel;
The chestnut trees;
The wishin' well.

I'll be seeing you
In every lovely summer's day;
In every thing that's light and gay.
I'll always think of you that way.

I'll find you
In the morning sun
And when the night is new.
I'll be looking at the moon,
But I'll be seeing you.

I'll be seeing you
In every lovely summer's day;
In every thing that's light and gay.
I'll always think of you that way.

I'll find you
In the morning sun
And when the night is new.
I'll be looking at the moon,
But I'll be seeing you.

Best recording by Linda Eder
music by Sammy Fain and lyrics by Irving Kahal.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Nice posts on the funeral home website

Nice posts from good friends and family, old and new, on the funeral home website.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Rheumatologist visit today

This is stressful. I had read about claudication as relates to my leg pain, both spinal and vascular, online, and I was scared about what I might hear today. I didn't want any. It turns out the news is not too bad, yet, at least.

The MRI shows a narrowing of the disk at L4-L5 and a very small tear, an injury, not a chronic arthritic problem. She recommends increasing some of the meds I had reduced when trying to get off them. That's bad news for my complaining liver Bummer. And she wants me to continue aquatics.

Knees are showing a small narrowing. Left toe which has been giving me lightening bolt pains these last weeks also has some narrowing.

Thyroid is still low. I am to follow up with my Doctor in Tucson about that.

She wants to do a vascular study on my legs to rule it out but she says it would be atypical if it exists. She is skeptical.

So we are left with, for now, "just" fibromyalgia and trying to treat it as though that's the cause.

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I am now an official volunteer

The volunteer process here at Cedars is rigorous. I had to have a TB test, and titers for MMR, chickenpox, mumps and hepatitis B.

Today I had my volunteer interview and audition. I played a 1908 Steinway Grand piano on a balcony above the Imaging waiting area, Send In The Clowns and On Golden Pond. I passed!

I now have my own volunteer jacket and badge:

Next I have to do a 2-hour orientation since I didn't have an employee orientation.

I will play on lunch hours. The space is very zen and I'm above the audience and they can't even see me. I think it will be good for me and Cedars.

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People! Send Mail!

I'm lonely out here.  Losing it, frankly, alone, with no one to give me hugs.  I could use some virtual hugs by mail of any kind.  I had a melt-down last night that I'm still recovering from.  Unfortunately, with me, an emotional meltdown means physical pain.

1230 Horn Avenue, #515
West Hollywood, CA 90069

Send mail!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Song of the Day: Gold

I looked up at the moon yesterday while in the pool and found myself talking to Mom, wondering where she is now, wondering what she's doing.  I asked her to map out a good tour of the solar system - the moon, the rings of Saturn, Jupiter, Titan, Io - for me to take with her someday, like I took her to Charleston and other places.

The words to this song came to mind.


I wonder if when all is done,
Anyone heard my voice...
But from the start, we have no choice
Our journeys just begin

I'll never know if I was right
Did I fight hard enough?
Or when the battles grew too rough,
Should I have given in?

But here I stand and swear to you:
I did the best that I could do

I know my voice was just a whisper
But someone may have heard
There were nights the moon above me stirred
And let me grab ahold
My hands... have touched... the gold...

My heart's been driven by extremes,
Blind with dreams, tight with fear
But still, God knows that I was here,
And I was so alive! And now I lay the past to rest,
For in the end, I did my best

You have to live the life you're given
And never close your eyes!
You hold on and stare into the skies
And burn against the cold
For any moment you might find the gold!

And there was joy through it all,
And I am standing tall
And though my voice was just a whisper,
Someone must have heard!
There were nights the moon above me stirred
And let my life take hold!

I rode across that sky!
And once I touched the gold
Here in my own two hands...
I once held the gold 

Written by Frank Wildhorn for "Camille"

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Song of the Day: Thankful by Josh Groban

Some days we forget to look around us
Some days we can't see the joy that surrounds us
So caught up inside ourselves
We take when we should give
So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be
And on this day we hope for
What we still can't see

It's up to us to be the change
And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for

Look beyond ourselves, there's so much sorrow
It's way too late to say, "I'll cry tomorrow"
Each of us must find our truth
We're so long overdue
So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be
And every day we hope for
What we still can't see

It's up to us to be the change
And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for

Even with our differences
There is a place we're all connected
Each of us can find each others light
So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be
And on this day we hope for
What we still can't see

It's up to us to be the change
And even though this world needs so much more
There's so much to be thankful

See Thankful.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My Christmas Wish Was Granted

At work, someone sketches out topics on a hallway whiteboard and people chime in with comments, drawings and wisecracks.  The topic in December was, "What do you want for Christmas?"

My answer was the one highlighted in yellow, "Mother all well in heaven".  I got my wish, a lot to be thankful for. 

When I look back on those days now, I realize that watching Mom's struggle before she died was way worse than seeing her after she died. TV makes death struggles look poetic. There was nothing poetic about it.

Maya Angelou is a wise woman

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, people will never forget how you made them feel.

—Maya Angelou

Monday, January 2, 2012

Travel Day - Back to normalcy, such as it has never been before

Left Dad's for Columbus at 8 am.

We stopped in chicago, stayed on same plane then to las vegas where we are now, local time 3 pm. Next is Burbank!! yeah! All on time, but still a long day.

Benji has been a champ!! He has a way better bladder than I do!

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