Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ben's Recent Disaster

He knows when to get in trouble: when I'm getting ready in the mornings.  I was in the bathroom one morning and saw him come down the darkened hallway dragging something dark in his mouth, looking so proud!  I hollered at him, but he kept going and by the time I caught up to him it had already turned into a chase scene - around the couch, around the loveseat, around the chair, around the kitchen.

When he finally dropped it, this is what I found, the shawl I made and wore at Drew's wedding:

And I was thinking, other than "Aaaaaaarrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" , "Last I knew, this was in the trunk in the bedroom.  How in the world did he get this?"

Well, upon examination, the wicker trunk had a small hole in it where he had torn back one of the wicker slats and pulled this entire shawl through a hole about 1/2" by 1/4".  No wonder it looked like it did.  Good thing I love him or he'd be dead.

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