Saturday, December 11, 2010

Benji here (tried to post this from the iphone back in October, but couldn't get it to work, so catching up now)

Yesterday Mom took me to a bunch of strange places. First a long car ride then a place with big noises and big trucks and lots of cars and we rode on a bus, at least that's what Mom called it. I wouldn't know a bus from a camel, myself.

Then a place sorta like shopping but with lots of people with bags all sitting around. I seemed to be the only person IN a bag.

Then we went in this really cramped space with too many people in it. I never smelled so many people in one place before. Mom put me and my bag under a seat and I never got to come out at all. I cried a little but not much and I could not  sleep with so much going on up and down the aisle.

Here's a photo of me in my bag. Everybody thought I was cute and that I have really big ears. I don't know why all the people keep saying that to my Mom.

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