Thursday, October 7, 2010

Latest plans for the visit home

When I get into Columbus, I should have time for a visit Friday the 15th if anyone's up for it.  Depending on weather, I may head to Chris's area for a football game at which my niece Jenna will be twirling her flag.  Or I may do that the following Friday.

On Thursday the 21st I have an12:30 appointment the same day with the illustrious Chris Hannan for a massage.  Yeah!!

Rheumatologist at 3:20 at the OSU campus in Columbus the same day.  Then, maybe dinner with friends?

Southwest Airlines - -

 Depart: PHOENIX AZ to COLUMBUS OH   ( Travel Time: 3 hrs 40 mins )
DateFlightFlight Information
Fri Oct 151526Depart PHOENIX AZ (PHX) at 9:20 AM
Arrive in COLUMBUS OH (CMH) at 4:00 PM
 Return: COLUMBUS OH to PHOENIX AZ   ( Travel Time: 4 hrs 10 mins )
DateFlightFlight Information
Sat Oct 230026Depart COLUMBUS OH (CMH) at 5:00 PM
Arrive in PHOENIX AZ (PHX) at 6:10 PM

Good to know - burglars using Facebook

Sunday, October 3, 2010

More Tucson Bumper Stickers - and you thought I was exaggerating

In our parking lot at work -

"Boycott Jane Fonda American Traitor Bitch"


"Al Queda Hunting Club"

Like I said, Arizonans are pretty out there with their opinions.

Oh, about the Visit Home

I believe I'll go to Mom and Dad's from Columbus when I get in Friday night, spend the weekend with them and probably come back to Columbus for massage therapy and rheumatologist appointment and to hook up with Drew and Jess and friends there.  If I can get those appointments on days that will work out.

Then back to Mom and Dad's, later in the week, probably Wednesday to Chris's house until Saturday when I have to go back.

Something like that.  Plans are loose at present.

Coming Home!!!! Friday October 15th through Saturday October 23rd

There has been all sorts of drama around my trip home this fall.  But I'm coming home!!!

Drama Part 1:  

The boss drove me crazy, insisting that I commit in writing to what I would complete before I left, who would cover when I'm gone, etc.  She was spazzed because my very dear co-worker, Dave, has decided to retire and his last day was Friday.  She didn't want to leave Dean alone with the week's coverage.  Never mind that I did that a few weeks back on Labor Day week when they both took vacation.  I was getting double standard from all directions last week and it was making me mad!  And angry!  She said I couldn't take vacation unless I did this written commitment.  I said, "No.  No one else has to do this in order to go on vacation.  I'm not doing it either."  Well, she said her boss had insisted on it, which didn't sound right.  Next thing I know I get called to his office.  "What's wrong, Rebecca?  This does not seem like you to say 'No' like that."  No kidding!  I've been so beset and harassed by this woman I can hardly take it any more.

And this last 2 weeks I've been getting jeering and disrespect from my report writing co-workers - 2 young guys who think they know it all because they can code in VB and C-Sharp.  So I've been about ready to pop, and I did, unfortunately, in his office.  Maybe it did some good, I don't know,but I also fear I hurt my own reputation in the process.  I've been so bitter about all of this, because it's so unwarranted.  I know my stuff.  I'm coding circles around these guys in SQL and quite frankly, I'm not sure what their other programming language skills are bringing to the table.  I'm not seeing it, but I don't disrespect them.  So many technical guys have to be the top dude or they're not happy, and some fall into the pattern of portraying themselves top techy dude at all costs, even if it means lying.  I'm afraid these 2 fall into that category.  At some point I need to teach them how to work with others.  After I stop being so pissed at their arrogance and disrespect.  There's part of me that wants to say, "Listen, I've been in IS longer than you've been living, and although you may think that makes me a dinosaur, you're wrong.  I've kept up and I have a lot of experience that could benefit you if you'd open your eyes and work with me."  Brats.

Anyway, bottom line, my boss's boss did not insist on a written contract before they'd give me permission to go on vacation.  That was a "misunderstanding".  But I did have to put a plan together and show it to them before I got the OK.  I'm struggling with understanding the difference, since they were holding my vacation over my head.

Drama Part 2:

This part actually came first.  Rod and I had a lot of discussion about what to do because of the dogs.  He had asked for vacation long ago, so could get off.  Whether he and I could go at the same time was another question because of Drama Part 1.

I wanted to bring Benji from the start, but Rod was bummed because he and Senji will miss him so much.  I debated about bringing Benji because he's so little and so attached to them.  The vet said he should be fine, though, and she didn't recommend sedating him because they usually settle right down with the vibration and noise of the engine lulling them to sleep.

We talked about bringing both Senji and Benji, but Senji has never traveled by air, and at 14 Rod didn't want to put her through flying in a cargo hold.

We talked about boarding one or both of them and didn't feel good about that either.

We talked about having a friend come to the house to care for Senji, but the only person we know to ask is our massage therapist, and she's too busy with her private practice, work at Massage Envy, and teaching at the massage school.

We talked about Rod going alone to see his family and I'd stay home with the "kids".  He was very generous about that, saying that I am much more close to my family and friends in Ohio than he is and that I should go.

So that's how we decided it should be me and Benji.  And I'm so excited everyone will get to meet him!!  He really is my little baby.  I can feel all sorts of maternal feelings pouring out of me onto him.

And besides I found a Southwest Airlines voucher I could use to cover most of the cost.

Outcome Part 1:

BUT - I'm coming home!  Benji and I will fly into Columbus the evening of October 15th, a Friday night, and fly home from Columbus the evening of the 23rd, a Saturday.  I worked hard to find direct flights so that I wouldn't have to deal with clearing Benji for 4 flights vs. 2, and deal with him during the layovers in the airports.  And, it meant less travel time overall, less air time, so hopefully that would be easier on him as well as me.

Outcome Part 2:

The bad news.  I found out at the last minute while making Benji's reservation that the voucher I have expired in September!!!  DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!  I was so bummed.  So I essentially lost $375.60 of good Southwest Airline flight money that someone could have used to come visit me or I could have used for a weekend, at least.

Actually I was impressed with myself for remembering that I had it and then I found it.  I still have piles of paperwork in my office/craft room to sort through from the move from Ventana/Sabino Canyon.  It was found money!

Oh well oh well oh well.  It's not surprising.  I have such brain fatigue these days from the SQL coding work and data transformation work all week that I literally can't remember my phone number by the end of the week.  "Uh, uh....let me look that up for you."  Embarrassing.

But I'm determined to rest up for the trip in spite of what they're putting me through at work and the commitments I've had to make.  I'll take a leaf from my co-worker's book and do the laziest easiest thing possible.  Right.  I don't think I'm capable of that.  But sometimes I wish I were.  Seriously, I'll try not to work so hard so I'll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when I see all of you.