Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Walking SenjiBenji tonight

That's the way Rod writes it, "Love RodSenjiBenji" like they're all a single unit.  And in a way they are, my little family.

Walking the dogs has become a big part of my life.  Rod has always walked Senji twice a day, and we're of course doing the same with Benji.  Since he was just a lil pup (alas, no more!) he has gone twice a day with us.  Sometimes he was afraid of the other dogs in the neighborhood barking, or big trucks, or just neighbors.  He would stop dead and quake.  Big world, little pup.  So I just picked him up and comforted him and off we went.

At first he had a fixed-length leash, which the experts suggest, but he has now graduated to a flex-type leash, the kind that lets out until you push a button or it comes to the end of its rope.  And he's SO proud!  Trots along like a big boy.  It has made a huge difference.  I have to watch, I'm learning fast,because he'll go as far as it will let him, and he of course doesn't yet know not to run out in front of traffic, especially if there's an interesting neighbor outside to bark at.  Tonight it was a neighbor with 2 large dogs.  Ben thought he was going to take on both of them and barked as loud as they did!

Here are photos of the walk tonight.  He's now a 4.5 pounder!  Had him and Senji at the vet last week.  They were both champs though their temperature-taking and shots, too.  We were relieved that there are no major issues with Senji.  She's 14 and in very good shape.  A few things with her skin and teeth and eyes, but not big deals.  Good kids!

Oh, and a prickly pear I like.  I don't like most of them, but this is a cute little one.  Or I thought so until I ran into one.  Another post to come about that little adventure...

The view from the dog walker.

As you can see, they're a challenge.  I get a full body workout, arms everywhere unwinding and untangling cords.  I come back all sweated up.  And my equipment these days is amazing.  Rod cracks up, but I think I'm clever.  And another post to come about that.

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