Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pain, pain, pain

In case you're wondering, and I believe you are, my fine friends, I do still have fibromyalgia and I do still get pain here.  Whenever the weather changes dramatically, and it does tend to do that a lot during the monsoon season here, and whenever it gets over 100 degrees.  Odd, but true. I have no idea why, but my dear Hispanic acupuncturist (not an oxymoron, although I would have thought so at one time) Angelica first noticed the pattern: that I get my "neuropathic pain" when it's especially hot here.  That's the kind that stings like the skin has been flayed on my back.  My least favorite pain.  That's the one that will stop me in my tracks whereas with the other types I get (aching, spasming, cramping, tightness) I can usually motor on through.  Not with the neuropathic pain.

I don't have as many flares and I don't usually have them as bad as I did in Ohio.  I've only missed about 3 days this year for illness and, as I've said, that's a huge difference!  I can never get over it, so I keep saying it.  I usually "man up" all week long, though, and collapse on the weekends.

Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday were especially bad, and after running errands with Benji on Saturday, my arms were killing me!  They've been getting progressively worse with the dog walking/toting I've been doing, and I've had to ask Rod to take more than his share of turns several times lately.

But Sunday was in a whole different class of pain.  My upper arms had knots in the muscles I could feel under the skin - big ones, like 1-2 inches, and the back of my neck and shoulders had the same.  And adhesions, where the fascia stuck together instead of letting the muscles slide and move like they should.

Fascia is the thin white sheath that holds the muscles fibers together.  There's fascia around every strand of muscle tissue, around every bundle of muscles and a sub-dermal fascia that goes under the skin around your entire body, like plastic wrap.  Mine often adheres to itself.  I used to tell Chris Hannan, when my sub-dermal fascia was twisted in my trunk area that I felt like I was walking with my slip twisted.  Women will understand that analogy.  Sometimes the underslip, or lining rotates one way when you walk, and the skirt goes the other way, something to do with the length of stride in each leg, I suppose.  And my femur was broken, so I have different lengths of legs.

Luckily, I was able to see Page, our awesome massage therapist, for an hour and a half at 10 AM, and she worked on just my arms, shoulders and neck.  I felt a lot better afterwards, but still drained, so had a little breakfast with Rod and went to bed.  Had already taken Percodan.  I didn't get up until 5 PM!  Then just rested quietly the rest of the day.

Was better Monday morning, so off I went.  And have continued to feel pretty good.  But damn, I hate missing my weekends like that.  There's so little spare time when I already have 2 nights a week booked for therapies.  When you don't hear from me, that's what's going on.  I work, recover from work, go to therapy and work around the house.  That's pretty much it, no social life to speak of, although I am trying to get to some Meetups (see www.meetup.com) for poetry, knitting, jewelry and craft groups.  That's harder now with Benji, because I feel bad to leave him behind when he's already in his crate while I'm at work.  The women I know from work are in much the same boat, only substitute a LOT of overtime for the chronic illness.

Most days the pain is at a dull roar - a 2 or 3 on the 1-10 scale.  Sunday was a 6-7 day, almost as bad as they get.  It wasn't quite bad enough to cause nausea and panic though.  Those are my worst days.

I've been lucky to find excellent therapists here and I've been able to afford them.  Or shall I say, I prioritize them and clean my own house so I can keep affording them.  But that exacerbates the pain, which causes a need for more therapy.  You see where that goes.  Hopefully the condo will sell and I won't have to make a choice between my therapies and paying that mortgage.

Oh, and guess what.  I noticed that the Health Reform Act will eventually lower - lower - the amount one can put into a health spending account on a pretax basis.  Right now it's limited to $4,000 per year.  I exceeded that in August this year and the last several years, with my massage therapy and acupuncture and drug expenses.  Now, I'll have even less on a pretax basis to work with.  Nice show, Washington.  Why would they do that??  I see no way that the HRA is going to help me, the regular joe with employer insurance and a chronic illness.  Once again, those with chronic illness slip through the cracks.  I tried to tell Obama, but I guess he didn't get the message.

Thanks for listening, friends.  I've needed to whine a little.

Walking SenjiBenji tonight

That's the way Rod writes it, "Love RodSenjiBenji" like they're all a single unit.  And in a way they are, my little family.

Walking the dogs has become a big part of my life.  Rod has always walked Senji twice a day, and we're of course doing the same with Benji.  Since he was just a lil pup (alas, no more!) he has gone twice a day with us.  Sometimes he was afraid of the other dogs in the neighborhood barking, or big trucks, or just neighbors.  He would stop dead and quake.  Big world, little pup.  So I just picked him up and comforted him and off we went.

At first he had a fixed-length leash, which the experts suggest, but he has now graduated to a flex-type leash, the kind that lets out until you push a button or it comes to the end of its rope.  And he's SO proud!  Trots along like a big boy.  It has made a huge difference.  I have to watch, I'm learning fast,because he'll go as far as it will let him, and he of course doesn't yet know not to run out in front of traffic, especially if there's an interesting neighbor outside to bark at.  Tonight it was a neighbor with 2 large dogs.  Ben thought he was going to take on both of them and barked as loud as they did!

Here are photos of the walk tonight.  He's now a 4.5 pounder!  Had him and Senji at the vet last week.  They were both champs though their temperature-taking and shots, too.  We were relieved that there are no major issues with Senji.  She's 14 and in very good shape.  A few things with her skin and teeth and eyes, but not big deals.  Good kids!

Oh, and a prickly pear I like.  I don't like most of them, but this is a cute little one.  Or I thought so until I ran into one.  Another post to come about that little adventure...

The view from the dog walker.

As you can see, they're a challenge.  I get a full body workout, arms everywhere unwinding and untangling cords.  I come back all sweated up.  And my equipment these days is amazing.  Rod cracks up, but I think I'm clever.  And another post to come about that.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fwd: Tidings of great joy! Our new "Butterfly Dog"

From August 7 -
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <millerbeckyjo@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 12:37 PM
Subject: Tidings of great joy! Our new "Butterfly Dog"
To: All Friends

Announcing the adoption into the Rodney and Rebecca home - our new little Benji, age 10 weeks, a Papillon (which means "butterfly" in French) , like his cousin Sammy at Aunt Chris's house.  Mother, Father, Big Sister Senji and Benji are all doing well and enjoying each others' company tremendously.  Senji has made it clear that her food is her food, and her butt is her butt, but otherwise enjoys Benji and is eager for him to grow bigger so they can rough-house in the grass.

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Tucson bumper stickers

Tucson's a quirky little town. It's a big town (1 million) spread all over the place that still thinks it's a little town. A lot doesn't make sense here....2-second yellow traffic lights - yeah, they got me on that one.

Especially the bumper stickers. I'm starting a collection to share with you. Folks here are quite unabashed about sharing their opinions, no matter how inflammatory, on the backs of their cars. Some are hilarious, some appalling.

Examples from today's drive home from work:

"Racing makes my dick trickle"

"Racing is the only sport that takes two balls"


And my favorite so far: