Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, One and All!

I miss you all so much, and I had a complete melt-down, actually, last evening, thinking about all of the people I won't get to hug and say Merry Christmas to. I've wanted to send elaborate gifts instead, but with the new house and the budget not settling down, I've not been able to do that, either.

But please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and I love you as much as always.

I've not updated you about the house, but we did get it. Closed on 11/20, I moved on 11/23 and Rod moved on 12/18, but his "POD" has not yet arrived. He and Senji and a car-load of things are here and recovering from the flurry of moving from L.A., though, and it feels great to have "my family" with me now.

The new house address is:

6941 E. Taos Place
Tucson, AZ 85715

Merry Christmas and many hugs!


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