Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm Older Than Methuselah!!

Check this article -

Accelerated brain gray matter loss in fibromyalgia patients: premature aging of the brain?
J Neurosci. 2007 Apr 11;27(15):4004-7.
This study shows that fibromyalgia patients had significantly less total gray matter volume and showed a 3.3 times greater age-associated decrease in gray matter than healthy controls. The longer the individuals had had fibromyalgia, the greater the gray matter loss,
with each year of fibromyalgia being equivalent to 9.5 times normal aging. In addition, fibromyalgia patients demonstrated significantly less gray matter density than healthy controls in several brain regions, including the cingulate, insular and medial frontal cortices, and parahippocampal gyri.

I think it's trying to say I'm older than dirt. Fifty years of age plus fifteen years of fibromyalgia times 9.5 = EGAD! I'm 192.5 years old! That's older than Methuselah!

Sounds like I really should have no IQ left. But I'm not doing too badly, considering... Thank God for Provigil is all I can say. I forgot to take my morning meds once recently and I was just not the same without them. I struggled terribly at work. Trying to absorb audio information was almost impossible, which makes conference calls really tough. It just won't go into my head at times like that! I was thinking, "Darn, it's like I didn't take my meds or something! Oh! Doh! I didn't take my meds this morning!"

People say lots of bad things about medical doctors and the state of medicine in our society, but I say, "Thank God for those medications, the people who work to create them, and my blessed Doctor who prescribed them for me."

Someone asked me recently if I absolutely had to have them, and "What would happen to you if you didn't have them?" I said absolutely seriously, "I'd be dead." And I meant it. I would not be able to live with the pain of this disease without my medications.

The thing old people forget stuff. And we forget the very stuff that we need. It's a bizarre disease, and a challenging one.

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