Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dewakening, a poem by me


By Rebecca Miller, fibromyalgia patient since 1994

I lie upon the beach of Sleep,

Not yet a creature of the Day.

My bones throb in the wake of Night,

My mind in the break of Day.

Sleep, like the sea, has tossed me to and fro,

While I, innocently, slept.

Safely on the sand I plan,

All that I’ll do, or be, or will,

While the undertow of my mind pulls hard,

Reminding me I burn, I ache,

"Be still".

I did not come gentle from that good Night.

Sleep ripped, and tore, and mauled.

My day is plagued by night’s effects.

And yet I fight, to Day I’m called.

"So, sigh no more, lady, sigh no more",

Sleep is deceiver, ever.

"One foot on sea, and one on shore,

To one thing constant, never."

So sigh not so, but let it go,

And be you fun and funny,

Converting all your sounds of woe,

And find Day’s beaches sunny.

Still, I lie upon the break of Day,

Still yet a creature of the Night.

My bones throb in the breath of Day,

Mind numb in the crush of Night.

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