Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snow, Snow and More Snow

And my Dad working away to clear it. I have shoveled the walks several times and take Benji out of course, but that is my limit.

The first morning of snow, Benji stood at the glass door and woofed at it, quietly and uneasily. Then he would not stay out long enough to do his business. I had to carry him to the barn to do it. Dad thought that was hilarious.

It should be over for this trip though.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Cambridge, OH

To dinner at Ruby Tuesdays and to the Cambridge court house for the light show with my Dad.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Great Day with Brother Dave and Family

I had a great day with Dave, Cristen and Becca yesterday. We had lunch at Cosi, then went to the Franklin Park Conservatory.

I had driven over to Columbus and stayed with Katrina Friday after seeing my rheumatologist at OSU, Chris Hannan for massage, and a party with her friends until the wee hours!

David Tolley Piano Concert at Liberty Church in Powell, OH

Beautiful place!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Nice Welcomes

Beef stroganoff made by Chris and left in the freezer for me. A favorite! Yum! Thanks Aunt Chris!

Cinnamon nut cake from cousin Pam. Delicious! Thanks Pam.

Shari's Berries from Uncle Milton and Kathy. Wow. The UPS guy thought I was kidding when I said I had hoped it was berries. Not!

Here begins my holiday eating.

Dad's Christmas tree. And the traditional Miller nativity.

And I can still feel Mom's love. It's everywhere I look.

Home for Christmas

Benji and I arrived at the Pittsburgh airport today at 4:30. Miracle of miracles, Dad is waiting in the cell phone lot with his cell phone on. This is a big step for him. I am so proud.

A man was taking photos of Benji at the airport today. He is just too cute in his Christmas garb.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tucking In

Benji amd I are tired out this evening and headed to bed early at the Residence Inn in Phoenix.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Benji watching fireworks out the back window just now. The country club back there has them fairly often.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dave's quilt

My brother Dave and his wife Cristen, with my little name-sake, Becca, are moving into my Canal Winchester condo.  He found a really good job only seven miles away.

Dave sent this photo of the master bedroom yesterday.  They picked this quilt top from among many king-size ones Mother had made and stashed for gifts.

I think it may be the most fabulous I have seen.  This artistry is just one of the many things the world lost when it lost Carol Miller.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Here is another "poem" (actually song lyrics - Josh Groban sings it) that I love.