Monday, November 29, 2010

Mother told me there'd be days like this!!

When I woke, Ben had pooped in our bedroom, slightly wet.

On the morning walk Senji had very loose light green stool.

After the walk Ben pooped in living room, very wet.

While I was getting ready for work Senji pooped green slime - large stinky pile - in the same living room corner where Ben had. This time I had to get the rubber gloves out.

Then, while getting ready for work I went to check them again and found Ben had dragged out charcoal from behind the fireplace screen and was eating it - on the light beige carpet. I washed his mouth out very angrily.

I decided to stay home a bit and went in to work at 9:30 to be sure they seemed to be done. Checked at 1:45 and all is well, for now.

"Who, me?"

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

My friend Kendra took this of me at work today, shawl askew - but looking very Fall-ish!  Happy Thanksgiving!