Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pics of the New House on Taos Place

Hi, all. Again, belated, but finally here are a few snaps of the new house.

You wouldn't believe the stuff I have piled up to blog...have been reading a book on ADD and I'm afraid a lot of it applies to me. I'm working on it.

Love Y'ns.

Long Overdue - Wedding Photos

You may not always hear from me on a timely basis, but I'll keep trying to get caught up! Here, long overdue, are photos from Drew's wedding on October 10. It was a gorgeous day with two beautiful happy young people starting out a great life together. They had a lot of fun, and so did we, celebrating with them.

I was HUGELY glad to be there, as Rod and I had a hard time getting there - a little error on my part with the airlines reservations that gave us a little detour to Washington D.C. Drew threatened to have the DJ ask who had come the furthest to get to the wedding - or who had seen both the east and west coast on the way to Ohio! (We'd flown out from Los Angeles)