Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Remember those photos of my morning commute? Remember the mountains in them? Well, in these shots you can barely see them. We don't have smog here, really, and never have smog alerts.

They have pre-empted a lot of that trouble with really high emissions standards. All cars have to be tested before licensing.

What you're seeing here is a typically crystal-clear day in Tucson - high up.
Nearer the ground, you see a thick haze of pollen and dust that the winds have kicked up and spread skyward. If "smog" is a combination of "smoke" and "fog", what would you call a combination of pollen and dust - "pust"? Or fog-like pollen clouds - "pog"?
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Friday, March 6, 2009

Mountain Views from the hospital

These are taken from the hospital parking lot, looking north toward the Catalinas. There's still a little bit of snow on Mt. Lemmon.

And the same mountains, same direction, a view from the back patio behind the IS building, on a cloudy day, just to prove that we really do get them here. But they're still mountains!!
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Monday, March 2, 2009

Sights Around Home

A Cl
ear Beautiful Night. There are a lot of observatories out here, and low light encouragement (regulations?) to enable the star-gazers to see clearly.

The Love Birds outside my balcony. We have tons of Mourning Doves here. They twitter as they fly from place to place, and I swear they sound like Star Wars probes, with little descending-pitch “CHIRP, CHIRp, CHIrp, CHirp, Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp”. I don’t remember them doing that in Ohio.

Someone has made a lizard of rocks on their big rock, and decorated their little patio beautifully.

Same kind he wore back at Hiram College.
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